
  • Sanan Waheed Khan* Wahed Department of Communication studies, Faculty of modern languages and Communication, University Putra Malaysia, Selangor, Malaysia
  • Malik Adnan Adnan Department of Media Studies, Islamia University, Bahawalpur, Pakistan



ABSTRACT Purpose - The use of social media as a platform for performing marketing and advertising operations is growing in popularity. Advertisements on social media take up a significant amount of time, financial resources, and other organizational resources. However, there is always room for improvement in how businesses may develop advertising for social media platforms to attract people effectively and to encourage them to buy their goods. Therefore, this research investigated the primary elements connected to social media advertising that can predict a consumer's desire to make a purchase.




Purpose - The use of social media as a platform for performing marketing and advertising operations is growing in popularity. Advertisements on social media take up a significant amount of time, financial resources, and other organizational resources. However, there is always room for improvement in how businesses may develop advertising for social media platforms to attract people effectively and to encourage them to buy their goods. Therefore, this research investigated the primary elements connected to social media advertising that can predict a consumer's desire to make a purchase.


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