
  • Ehtisham Ul Haq Faculty of Management Sciences, Riphah International University, Islamabad, Pakistan
  • Nabeel Abid Faculty of Management Sciences, Riphah International University, Islamabad, Pakistan.



Digital Leadership, Digital Transformation, Employee Engagement, Change Readiness, Healthcare Sector


Purpose: This research focuses on the role of digital leadership in the digital transformation of the healthcare sector of Punjab in Pakistan, which is a representative of emerging markets with growing digitalization. It also analyses the mediation effects of employee’s engagement and moderation impact of change readiness.

Design/Methodology: This research paper used a deductive research approach and a quantitative research method. Descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out with 352 employees from different large hospitals of Punjab, Pakistan, using convenience-sampling technique. Validity and reliability of the collected data was tested with the help of ‘SPSS’ to check the hypothesized relationship.

Findings: The findings show that digital leadership has a positive impact on both employee’s engagement and digital transformation. Furthermore, it is possible to establish that employee engagement is actually the variable that mediates the connection between digital leadership and digital transformation, and change readiness actually plays the role of a moderator in that relation, which is why it is so important for developing digital transformation.

Originality: The present research aims to fill the existing literature gap by analyzes the public health sector organization in Punjab, Pakistan, and uses the UTAUT model to test the role of engagement as mediator. It adds fresh theoretical and empirical perspectives to the understanding of digital leadership as a catalyst for change in contexts of limited resources.


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