Tax avoidance, developing countries, narrative reviewAbstract
Purpose: This study reviews the avoidance of tax practice in developing nations. Based upon the narrative review the study contributes with respect to the relevant determinants that affect the avoidance of tax among the firms located in the developing countries.
Design/Methodology: : The studies related to tax avoidance in developing countries were gathered from leading journals. This study follows the review strategy of the narrative review.
Findings: The findings of the developing countries' studies documented that tax avoidance exists. The major determinants of tax avoidance were ownership structure, information transparency, family ownership, political affiliation, financial distress, and audit characteristics.
Implications: The tax authorities when formulating tax policies in developing countries should equally consider the determinants of tax avoidance. The tax policies should be formulated keeping in view the determinants of tax avoidance.
Originality: This paper based upon the narrative review has its uniqueness in providing a detailed review of tax avoidance studies of the developing countries. It provides the avenues of the unexplored research areas of tax avoidance in the context of developing countries for future researchers.
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