Identifying Factors Affecting Green HRM Practices And Its Impact On Organizations’ Sustainability Of Multinational Corporations (Mncs)
Organization, sustainability, green recruitment, green training, green practices, green human resource, PakistanAbstract
Purpose: This study aims to help employees and organizations realize eco-friendly Human Resources Management (HRM) operations concerning sustainability. It will allow the MNCs of Pakistan to adopt green practices to reduce the pollutant environment in the organization to assess employee awareness regarding green practices, how green practices influence the employee as well and the organization’s sustainability.
Design/Methodology: This work mainly emphasizes the primary source of data collection based on the quantitative method; 200 questionnaires were disseminated between the employees of MNCs in Pakistan, and Regression analysis was done through SPSS software.
Findings: Findings revealed that the correlation between green recruitment (GR), selection and organization sustainability have a strong and positive relationship as compared to green pay, reward and green training which have a positive but average relationship with organization sustainability this shows that if the MNCs of Pakistan adopt a green recruitment and selection practice instead of the traditional method of recruitment and selection so it will increases the chances of a better sustainable environment that will ultimately lead to the organization sustainability
Originality: This study contributes as one of the first studies about the adaptation of Green Human Resources Management (GHRM) practices of MNCs in Pakistan.
Keywords: Organization, sustainability, green recruitment, green training, green practices, green human resource, Pakistan
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