Transformational Leadership and Leader Member Exchange: An empirical examination of Knowledge Management Practices and Organizational Performance through Employee Involvement


  • 1* Arshad Mahmood Arshad Mahmood School of Economics & Management, China University of Geosciences, China
  • 2 Muhammad Yousuf Khan Marri Yousuf School of Business Management, University Utara Malaysia
  • 1 Hussain Ali Hassan School of Economics & Management, China University of Geosciences, China
  • 3 Shahid Nadeem nadeem Bahria Business School, Bahria University Karachi, Pakistan



Transformational Leadership (TL), Leader Member Exchange (LMX), Employee Involvement (EI), Knowledge Management Practices (KMP), Organizational Performance (OP)




Purpose: Human resource behaviour tends to play a vital role in organizational overall performance. The study incorporates two of the most prominent behaviours of leadership and examine their influence on organizational performance and knowledge management practices through employee involvement.


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How to Cite

Arshad Mahmood, 1* A. M., Yousuf, 2 M. Y. K. M., Hassan, 1 H. A., & nadeem, 3 S. N. (2023). Transformational Leadership and Leader Member Exchange: An empirical examination of Knowledge Management Practices and Organizational Performance through Employee Involvement. NUST Business Review, 3(1).